Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My mini me

It is crazy to think how much Nathan and I are alike! When I sit back at the end of the day and think about all the things he did, good or bad, I see so much of myself in his actions or words.

He is a super picky, crazy, loud, funny, lovable, kind, little boy.
But he has his naughty side too. Like talking back, sometimes hitting, getting out of bed approximately 1 million times each and every night at bedtime.
I have one very strong quality. And that quality would be that I am very persistent. My husband loves that about me. He loves that if there is something I want, or something that I believe, I don't stop until I get it! Well Nathan has that quality too! It's not so great when a 3 year old has this quality though.
We are having a major power struggle in the Soller house!!!
Time to watch some super nanny I think :)
( I am so paying for the way I was with my mom as a kid)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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